Paylaşılan Bellek / Shared Memory

25 Şubat February -14 Nisan April 2024

Çanakkale Bienali Belleğinden Müzeye Doğru / From Çanakkale Biennial’s Memory to a Museum


CerModern; 2024 sonbaharında 9. edisyonuna hazırlanan, Türkiye çağdaş sanat ortamındaki en özgün pratiklerinden biri olan Çanakkale Bienali’nin ilk geniş kapsamlı hafıza ve koleksiyon seçkisi ‘’Paylaşılan Bellek / Shared Memory’’ isimli sergiye ev sahipliği yapıyor!


İsmini bilgisayar bilimlerinden alan sergi, bienalin 20 yıla yayılan deneyiminin sanatsal içeriğini ve belleğini ön plana çıkararak, Çanakkale kentinin kolektif hafızasını zenginleştiren özgün katmanlarla buluşturuyor.


Çanakkale’nin kadim anlatıları, kültür ekosistemi ve jeo-stratejik konumu, serginin temelini oluşturan kolektif belleği özel kılıyor. “Paylaşılan Bellek” sergisi, günümüz sanatının estetik, kavramsal ve şiirsel yorumlarıyla bu hafıza alanını zenginleştirerek, Çanakkale Bienali’nin “müzeleşme” arayışında yeni bir evreye işaret ediyor.


Çanakkale Bienali İnisiyatifi (CABININ) tarafından gerçekleştirilen Çanakkale Bienali; farklı disiplinlerden ve toplum kesimlerinden bireyleri kapsayan çağdaş sanat ve kültür odaklı bir platform sunuyor. Bienal, güncel sanat ile toplum arasında diyalog kurmayı ve Çanakkale’de özgün bir bağlam ve bellek oluşturmayı hedefliyor. CABININ’in 20 yıla yaklaşan faaliyetleri, süreli bir çağdaş sanat etkinliğinin deneyimler belleğinin kalıcı bir yapıda paylaşıma açılması fikrini taşıyor.


CerModern, Ankara’lı sanatseverleri 25 Şubat - 14 Nisan tarihleri arasında gerçekleşecek olan ‘Paylaşılan Bellek’ Sergisine davet ediyor. Bu sergi, Çanakkale Bienali’nin özgün belleğini ve sanatsal mirasını keşfetmeyi amaçlıyor.



From Çanakkale Biennial's Memory to a Museum

Hosted by CerModern, “Shared Memory” exhibition stands as the first comprehensive selection of memory and collection of the Çanakkale Biennial, which is one of the most unique practices in the Turkish contemporary art preparing for its 9th edition in the fall of 2024. The exhibition takes its name from computer science, the exhibition sheds light on the artistic content of the Çanakkale Biennial experience over a period of 20 years and brings it together with the specific space that the city of Çanakkale occupies in our collective memory. The exhibition is intended to serve as a platform for discussion and exchange of ideas on the transformation of this accumulation into a “museum” and its evolution into an institutional structure that reflects the distinctive structural and strategic characteristics of the Çanakkale Biennial.


The city of Çanakkale has a very special place in our collective memory with its ancient narratives, cultural ecosystem laden with displacements and encounters, its potential energy full of tensions and relaxations, knots and unties, its fertile nature and its geo-strategic location. The exhibition "Shared Memory" marks a new phase in the Çanakkale Biennial's quest for “musealization” with works that bring together all the connotations of this memory space with the aesthetic, conceptual and poetic interpretations of contemporary art, enriching them with unique layers and connections.


The Çanakkale Biennial is organized by CABININ (Çanakkale Biennial Initiative), a contemporary art and culture-oriented collectivity comprising individuals from various disciplines and segments of society. The Biennial is a platform where contemporary art establishes dialogic ties with different segments of society. In doing so, it aims to create a unique context and memory for contemporary artistic expressions in Çanakkale. It also encourages reflection on the importance, mechanism, function, and potentials of art within the complex socio-historical and geo-strategic landscape of this multifaceted and layered city. The conceptual frameworks developed for the Çanakkale Biennial knot together at the intersections of Çanakkale’s unique context and the global agenda. In its nearly 20 years of activity, CABININ has always questioned the possibility of bringing out a permanent structure to share the memory of experiences of a periodic contemporary art event.


Under the guidance of the Çanakkale Biennial's ways of doing and strategies, the “Shared Memory” Exhibition will be an ambitious and powerful step towards the idea of the transforming the living and developing art accumulation of a periodical art event, which has been consistently maintained without compromising its quality, into a collection, a “museum” on the horizon.


The exhibition will take place at CerModern and can be visited between February 25 and April 14.













